Goal Setting for September....and beyond!

As summer is winding down, school is starting back up and I'm just working....

But really I'm also needing to get cracking hardcore on studying for my GRE which is next month!

Here's a little list of things I'd like to accomplish for next month:

  • Study for my GRE
  • Figure out which schools to submit my scores to before knowing the actual results
  • Join a Gym and work out
  • See a play or musical or both and AUDITION!
These are the things that are a priority! Here are some other goals I'd like to do:

  • Read some books (other than plays)
    • Specifically classical but open to recommendations
    • To get some inspiration for monologues for auditions to Grad Schools
  • Ask professors, advisors, colleagues for letters of recommendations for Grad Schools
  • Take photos
Some goals for the not so distant future:
  • Prepare for my fraternity's chartering
  • Get more volunteer experience or internship opportunities
  • Teach a workshop, be a guest artist, or do something creative or in a leadership role
Always good to have these written down and then once accomplished to strike them and have the validity knowing I've done it!
