Day 309

I've been off on my days this year by 10....whoops! At least I was consistent. Anyways it's November already and the year is almost over!

Last week I moved into my new apartment with new roommates. Now living in NYC has been a little difficult for me because I had been missing friends back home. The first place I was living just wasn't the place I wanted to live and so I made the decision to start looking for a new place. Now I am a person who hates to say goodbye or leave, but luckily my landlady understood. However there was of course it's roller coasters. With the roller coasters I took it with stride and in the end come out of it learning more about myself.

Trying to balance work and pursuing a dream is never an easy task. I'm definitely still trying to figure it out, but right now I'm trying to really get my feet on the ground as well as get them wet too. I had an unexpected opportunity last month and I did my best. Even though it didn't turn out in my favor I learned from it and I'm moving forward. I am thankful for having a full time job and it's been work trying to adjust to the time difference. I remember in college (which is only two years ago) that I was pulling some late night shifts, going to class, going to rehearsals and being a leader on campus. Now it's just working late shifts, trying to pursue my dream for acting and trying to sleep.

Funny thing about moving to my new place is that I wanted to live closer to a friend. Now ironically that friend is leaving the city. Which I'm sad to see them go but happy that they're doing what makes them happy. I can't be selfish about that and besides my new roommates are great. Also since my family visit, I've been in touch with my "uncle" or my mom's cousin and will hopefully soon be meeting more family members. Glad to know I have family around the city and am slowly making new friends in the city.

Anyways today should be a good day. I'm off from work, going to the bookstore to do some research on some plays to look for monologues for auditions and going to meet some cool people tonight. Then tomorrow a friend from out of town is coming in for the weekend and I'm going to an alumni event for my fraternity.

Things are looking good!
